The secret to radiant skin - exfoliation - here's the how to

March 30, 2017

Did you know that your skin tries to exfoliate naturally?

Under optimum conditions, new skin cells form constantly and shed after 30 days.

But sometimes this process doesn’t work as well as it should. There are a few reasons why this might happen. As you age the shedding process slows down and it takes much longer to shed your dead cells. If your overall metabolism is sluggish, your skin’s renewal process will be sluggish too. Using skin care ingredients such as silicones or petrolatum can block the flow of oxygen to your skin’s own exfoliating enzymes. No oxygen = no exfoliation. And if your skin is dehydrated, the renewal process doesn’t work as well. As dead skin cells build up, your skin looks lifeless, as if it’s covered by a veil. Your pores get clogged, appearing larger and sometimes darker and wrinkles can appear more prominent.

Your wellbeing, stress level, nutrition, the temperature and humidity level in the air also affect how well your skin exfoliates. Even with regular cleansing, pores can get clogged and old skin cells build up, which can lead to dull skin. For oily skin types, it can be another reason for breakouts.

Properly removing dead skin cells encourages your skin to accelerate the renewal process. New cells rise to the surface, pores are purified, and your skin starts glowing.

How do I exfoliate?

At Tualique we use several ingredients for gentle exfoliation: botanical enzymes, fruit extracts and miniscule rice bran beads. You can find them in moisturizers (pineapple enzyme in the Jasmine Moisture Fluid) and in our 3-Minute Resurfacing Mask, which hydrates skin while exfoliating.

We have just added an exciting new exfoliator to our product line. The concentrated 3-in-1 Exfoliating Cleanser gives your skin a fresh start, lifting away dirt, excessive oil and impurities while botanical exfoliants help to purify your skin and gently remove dead skin cells. The Exfoliating Cleanser encourages clarity and skin renewal without causing dryness, and works well on all skin types.

Adding exfoliation to your beauty routine 2-3 times a week will make a significant difference in your skin’s appearance, making it look fresher and more radiant.

Which one should I choose?

Both of our exfoliating products perform exceptionally well.

You’ll love how the Exfoliating Cleanser adds the heavenly scent of Japanese Yuzu without adding any steps to your morning shower. It’s a great go-to product for fast, deep cleansing.

Before a special evening event, the 3-Minute Resurfacing Mask adds extra hydration in the time that it takes you to brush your teeth, leaving your skin smooth and supple. It’s perfect for giving your skin an extra boost before an important meeting or whenever you want to look your best.

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